Welcome to EDIM 510 Class Wiki

We will be using this wiki for collaboration. Please add an entry to provide ideas on how the wiki format of collaboration could be used either in your classroom or with your colleagues as a professional development tool. Please include your name and a brief introduction to yourself in your wiki post.

My name is Scott Lindsey. I am a 9th and 10th grade social studies teacher at Cedar Crest High School in Lebanon, Pa. I am taking this class as well as Differentiating learning. I will graduate in the fall with my second masters from wilkes in Instructional Media: Discovery Education. I live in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with my two dogs Buster and Omar. I bartend as a part-time job on the weekends and love to play golf, workout, and coach wrestling. I am an avid Baltimore Ravens Fan and season ticket holder. I graduated from York College of Pennsylvania in 2004 with a degree in Secondary Education Social Studies. I am eager to learn what exactly Web 2.0 is and how it works. My favorite Ice Cream is Vanilla.

Hi Everyone!

I'm seeing some familiar names from previous classes which is nice. My name is Joanie and I live at the Jersey shore in Pt Pleasant Beach, nj (my cap n is not working). Anyway, I've lived here with my family for the past 7 years. In my earlier life I've lived in Wash DC and in the SF Bay Area in California. I teach Technology for the Performing Arts Academy in Ocean County which has been a chaotic blessing.

Anyway, this is my 5th Wilkes EDIM class. I have learned a lot in the previous 4 and would highly recommend all the ones I have taken so far. I'm excited to learn more about how to incorporate Web 2.0 into my curriculum so I'm eager to get started and feeling a little overwhelmed with all the new tools and how they work. My idea that I would like to implement would be a shared wiki for my colleagues for tutoring. Our school is on block scheduling and we probably have our kids overbooked for every minute of their day. Some teachers asked me if we could have a shared something so we can all contribute to a daily tutoring list so that if kids are falling behind, they cannot participate in our performance troupes until they are off "the list". If we had a wiki, we could update it with students names, their progress and include study guides (docs), math worksheets or links to practice work, missed videos, etc.

Let's see… favorite ice cream…. I am a total chocoholic so pretty much ANYTHING that has chocolate will due but my absolute favorite is "Death by Chocolate" which is every and any kind of chocolate chip, cookie and syrup mixed into an extremely rich chocolate base…. very yummy!!!

Hi from Cheryl!
Well even after the bumpy beginning we finally made it into Wikiland! I was going to set this up as a forum, but many students already posted here… If I can move these posts effortlessly - I will!
I live in sunny southern California near Disneyland since 1995, but was born and raised in Scranton PA. It is so great to see students from everywhere! I received my undergrad at East Stroudsburg Univ and my masters at Misericordia University…. and am certified ( and certifiable) in Elementary, Special Ed, and Early Childhood with an emphasis on technology in teaching…………for more info, you can take a look at the profile in Moodle for a short excerpt :)

Hello from Sacramento, CA! I have taught 6th grade, all subjects for 4 years now, 4 years in 4th grade before that in Milpitas, CA. I recieved a pink slip and at this point I am jobless, but crossing my fingers that I get a call back by August. My district just renovated our school. Every classroom received a built in projector, Smartboard, document camera, and surround sound with teacher microphones. We also have 8 computers in every classroom and a laptop lab in our library. With all this new technology, I'm excited to learn some new "tricks" to use in the classroom. I am taking this class and Differentiating Instruction with Technology at the same time…call me crazy!

My husband and I enjoy our weekends with our 1 year old son Nathan and our 2 dogs. Most days we are chasing him around the house…he's walking now! (Or should I say running?) Enjoying the summer sunshine too! Oh…and to my favorite topic of all, ice cream. We have at least 3 tubs in the freezer at all times! Old Fashion flavor is Mint Chip, but lately we have been diving into Dryers Drum Stick Ice Cream (Yeah…they mix the cone, nuts, and chocolate into vanilla…it's WONDERFUL!) and Ben and Jerry's Americone Dream. Highly recommended…check them out!

One idea I have for a kids' collaboration project using a Wiki would be to post the vocabulary words each week and have students create sentences, stories, or post quotes they have found with the vocabulary words in them.

My name is Tari (pronounced like cherry) and I live in Vacaville, California; one hour north of San Francisco, two hours from the beach and two hours from the Sierra ski resorts. I have just finished my 25th year of teaching in the public school arena, with 17 of those years as a 6th grade teacher in a K-6 Elementary school. I am also the the Technology Coordinator for my school. I have been in love with technology since 1987 when we first started incorporating it into the classrooms.

Over the past several years I have dabbled in 2.0 applications, but have never had any concentrated instruction. I am looking forward to this class really exposing me to what is out there in cyber 2.0.

One exciting occurrence in my life is that I am leaving for my lifetime dream vacation to Greece in a couple of days! But, due to good ol' technology, I will still be able to keep up with our class!

Outside of school, I have a 20 year old daughter that just finished her sophomore year at Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. After spending the summer at home she will be off to spend her junior year in Paris, France at the Sobourne.

And, the best ice cream in the world….or at least in Vacaville, CA, is Coffee Toffee Crunch!

I have just recently learned what a fantastic tool wiki's can be for collaborative work! In another class we were assigned a group project. My team mates lived 3000 miles away. We started out emailing each other, but the information would get scattered. Once we had our wiki up and running we were able to communicate with each other extremely well, with conversation strings nicely followed. We could post links for each other to take a look at, and edit each others ideas. It was a great experience, and a fantastic learning situation.


A bit more about Janell:
I just wrapped up another year teaching 9th grade English, special education and co-taught sections for a district in a suburb of Philadephia, PA. My special education sections were learning support sections in which the students primarily had difficulties with reading comprehension or written expression. I also co-taught regular education sections, which are considered academic sections. (Our district just did away with "tracking" so our levels of academics are learning support, academic, honors, and gifted.) This year has been a huge year of changes in our district!

Prior to being in 9th grade, I worked at our local vocational school teaching special education English to 11th and 12th graders. Despite some issues with adminsitration, I'm glad to have had the experience in a vocational setting. I also co-taught in a first grade classroom where literacy was emphasized and also taught third grade. (I'm PA Certified in Elementary Education, Special Education, and English 7-12).

The wiki is about the biggest web 2.0 tool that I have been successfully been able to implement in my classes. I have also seen (and experienced!) the power of a wiki for collaboration when we completed group projects in the PBL course. For the summer tech courses that I'm co-teaching, we're using wikispaces to aid in our planning. We originally started with Google Docs for our proposals but once approved, created wikispaces to aid in the planning. We figured it would be another way to show the use of a wiki. It's been a great tool as it also offers convenience. My co-teacher and I are able to add/edit what we will offer in our course. We also have a wikispace page for the English department in our district in which we add/offer lesson plans, websites, etc. It's so much easier to use rather than the public folders for staff on our district server.

Yeah - I'm in!
My name is
Denise Whiteman and I have been the elementary librarian for Otto-Eldred School District for 25 years now. I love my job and everything I get to do with it. I also teach elementary keyboarding and technology skills and have taught after school sessions using platforms like Alice 3-D animation to 3rd through 6th graders. I am my district's OPC for Blended Schools and I love learning about any kind of technology use I can use with my classes. Though it seems like a lot more because of the amounts new technologies I have learned how to use, this is my 6th Instructional Media class. My other interests include working at the Erie Zoo (2 hours away) and doing animal handling (the baby alligators and other reptiles are my most favorites), geocaching, traveling, technology uses, reading (though I don't have much time for it anymore - odd for a librarian!), and puzzles.

I am hoping that I can get more time with my classes in the computer labs so I can start implementing some online collaboration projects. Through my other Wilkes classes I have come up with some ideas that I am dying to try out. Now that I am getting the hang of WikiDot I am seeing some advantages over WikiSpaces (and also some disadvantages), though at this point I am still preferring WikiSpaces (but that may change!). My technology coordinator asked me to create a document to share online to aid her and the HS librarian with Panther quirks (there are a lot of tips, cheats, and reminders that aren't used every day and thusly difficult to remember and share easily). The Panther is our awesome handheld scanner/computer that we use with our automated library circulation and cataloging program. It is still pretty new for us and the HS librarian is fairly new to the position so I am the duck with the most practical experience with it. I did create a Google document that I shared, but I am thinking that using a wiki might be a better option. I am hopeful that if my district releases some control for more online collaboration that I can begin created some online projects for use with my 4-6 classes. I want to delve into some creative writing projects with students in other countries. My district will not allow email, but with wiki forum and other options I am now learning about, I can probably still make it work. I also desperately want to maintain a library site for my students and teachers. Wiki sounds like the ticket! I am very excited to be learning about these platforms so I can take my classes to the next level in the 21st century.

Hello to all! My Wiki name is Taylor Kindt-Zander.wikidot.com

(Jennifer) Taylor Kindt-Zander. Ok, let explain the confusion with my name. I'm in process of going back to my maiden name, which is Jennifer Taylor Kindt. But no one but IRS calls me Jennifer. I go by my middle name due to the numerous Jennifer's in grade school.

I have lived in Florida on the island of Sanibel and here outside Philly due to family in both states. I graduated from college with a BS in Business Admin/Marketing/Computer Programing Degree in 1988. Was a corporate computer trainer and consultant for a few years until wanting to stay at home to have children. Went back to college during that time to get BS Business Education so I could teach in public schools. I have been teaching computers in public school since 2000. I earned my Masters in Education/Computers K-12 in 2005 and now starting this new program at Wilkes in IM.

I am hoping to learn all about Web 2.0 so that I can compare it to Blended Schools Blackboard which I use in my classes and use the parts that work the best for my courses.

My Ideas- I believe the collabortion will be wonderful in the Entrepreneurship course I teach. The students have different positions and need to keep each other posted on whats going on in their department. Wiki will be perfect for that class.

In my Career Exploration classes the wiki use of research site and theorganization of that info will be excellent. I need the students to keep a journal from beginning of year ot end on their search and rationale behind eliminating certain careers and continuing exploring other. This course culminates with the students presenting a presentation about one career of their choice. I can imagine it possibilities utilitzing Wiki tools.

The last course I teach is going through as major curriculum change in which we are attempting to use wiki over the summer to develop curriculum while we are all on vacation.

My wikidot account is moc.todikiw|nesdnarFennaerB#moc.todikiw|nesdnarFennaerB

Whew! That took awhile. I clicked on the invitation, but wasn't able to join. I then saw that you had to click "accept invitation" on the bottom. (Hopefully that helps those that were not able to figure this out)

My name is Breanne Frandsen, and I teach at D.H.H. Lengel Middle School in Pottsville, PA. I graduated from Shippensburg University in May ‘07 with a B.A. in English. I received a teaching job in the same school that I attended not too long ago. I work with many of the same teachers that taught me, which is an interesting situation. I feel that even though I am a new teacher, I am able to help the “veteran” teachers because I am more experienced with computers.

I think that technology in the classroom is very important, and is a tool that should be used as much as possible. I was one of the few teachers that received a “SmartBoard” this past year, and have been finding ways to use it daily. I conducted a survey with my students about what learning style they think works best for them, and many of the students said they are “hands-on” learners. I am excited to find new and creative ways to use more technology in my classroom. I believe that all of our students are geared towards working with media. Many students are more knowledgable about computers and media than we are. I still cannot figure out how to switch between my dvd player and VCR in my classroom. Everytime, I end up having a student do this for me! Digital media engages the student, and I believe produces a higher quality of work than we have seen before. This is a technological age, and we are responsible for preparing our students for the real world. This is my fourth graduate class at Wilkes, and I am really excited about finding new ways to help my students be prepared for the real world in a fun and exciting way.

I believe that collaboration is necessary in the classroom as well as between faculty. We are in the process of rewriting our curriculum so that we do not repeat the same information, or the same stories, in two different grades. If we had a google document that listed the stories that we are covering in our grade, then other teachers in our district would know what we taught and build on this rather than reteaching it.

Taylor- I totally understand the name confusion, I also go by my middle name so I feel your pain in having to explain! :)

Hello from Saskatchewan! You can find my wiki at: http://megaenr.wikidot.com/ and my wiki user name is "Megaen", I know, very creative.

I live in Regina, SK, Canada and I teach for an online school Credenda Virtual School. I teach high school English and Humanities classes. This is my fourth year teaching and in those four years I have from grade 1 - 12. I really like the middle years but I am enjoying my time in high school right now. I think it's because they are less intimidated online (high school students) so I don't get the "too cool for school" attitude as much as I did in a brick and mortar school. They also really like to work with Web 2.0 tools… which brings me to collaboration!

I just finished my second semester of having my students create an online newspaper using a wiki. It worked out pretty well. Making it look the way they wanted sometimes frustrated them (especially with everyone editing it) but overall it worked well. I also just had my students create a "facebook" using a wiki last semester. When we were studying Hamlet they each had to make a facebook page for a character (on the wiki) and link to outside resources as well as "friends" on the wiki. It was ended up being a pretty cool twist on the playing cards I used to do. As for with my peers, during/after a conference I attended in May with a few other colleagues we kept a wikispace with info from each session as well as links to resources we gathered. It was great because attended different sessions and were able to get snippets from all of them. When it came time to presenting back to our staff at a PD day it was a breeze! I was at a meeting where Mr. Cooper shared the class that he made on a wiki - Outdoor Tech and Expedition Lit Trips. They both are amazing examples! I guess when it comes to ideas they are endless.

Looking forward to hearing more ideas!


Hello everyone,

I have been a 6th grade teacher of Science for the past 12 years. Prior to that, I taught one year of third grade. Having been fortunate to stay home with my children until they were all in school, I began my teaching career later than most. I have a master's degree in elementary ed and, through these courses, am working toward a second master's degree in Instructional Media.

My husband of 28 years and I live in Walnutport, PA. It's in eastern PA, about 30 minutes north of Allentown. We have three children, although they can hardly be called children anymore, Matt is 25, Mark is 22 and Lexi is 20. We also have 2 Labs, a chocolate, Riley and a black lab, Sophie.

My favorite ice cream is Tin Roof Sundae, which is a wonderful concoction of vanilla ice cream, ribbons of chocolate fudge and chocolate covered peanuts.

During the course "Project Based Learning" this past spring, I had my first exposure and experience with wikis. We used them to collaborate on a project for the course. As a result of that positive experience, I began to bug my tech supervisor to let me use Wikispaces with my students. He helped me understand the issues associated with having the kids "out there" and I created a parent letter explaining wikis, with a permission slip that dovetailed with our district "Acceptable Use" policy. I created a wikispace for my science classes to use for our Force and Motion unit.
http://forcemotion.wikispaces.com/ As part of the unit, small groups designed and created functioning amusement park rides for marbles. Each class period had a page on the wiki where we posted pictures of the ride building process and they posted and collaborated on the discussion threads. It was their first time too and they were hesitant and unsure at first, but then began to enjoy the opportunity to provide suggestions and help to not only their own group members, but also other groups. Many of them showed their parents, which is always a good way to help educate others about the positive experiences that can be had by integrating more technology in the classroom.

This was a very simple way to use wikis for me the novice. With this course under my belt, I am planning to expand my use of wikis in the coming year.


Hi, my named is Donna, and I am from Connecticut. Currently I am a middle school music teacher for grades 5-8 in Redding, CT. The courses I teach are fifth grade band & orchestra, grade 7 & 8 General Music, and two elective music courses that I had the opportunity to create for grade 6 & 7. I have been teaching at the middle school for nine years. I had the privilege of beginning my high school music teaching career in NSW, Australia, where I taught for two years. When I returned to CT, I taught instrumental music (band) for twelve years in the Newtown middle and elementary schools. I left this position when I started my family. Shortly after starting my teaching career, I completed thirty credits of graduate study in music education. I am married to a wonderful guy, a 21st century leader in the business and technology field. We have two beautiful daughters. Our older daughter will be starting her sophomore year of college studying art, graphic design, and art ed. Our younger daughter will be a senior in high school. She loves math and the sciences. We have begun the "college search" for the summer.

This is my sixth course in the Masters of Science degree program:Instructional Media. All of the courses have been great! I am looking forward to this particular course to become a greatly improved "Web 2.0" user so that I can better facilitate its use in my music classroom for enhanced 21st century educational instruction. My wiki address is: dedwards.wikidot.com

Hi all — I'm Sue Hellman from Surrey, BC near Vancouver in Canada and Bellingham, WA, in the US. I teach in an individualized program for high maintenance (read: hard to get along with) teens who make the lives of mainstream teachers and VP's difficult. I do the math and science there. We have grade 10, 11, and 12 courses.

It seems strange to say Web 2.0 is familiar territory for me because 2 Novembers back I didn't even know what a PowerPoint was! Now, I'm in my third course here and maintain the Wilkes Instructional Media blog (http://wilkesinstructionalmedia.blogspot.com/).Talk about going from 0 to 10g's in less than 2 years. I love this stuff! I'm trying to nudge my career in a new direction. After 35 years in the classroom, I'm hoping to work more with student teachers and colleagues. I'm 57 and it seems a good time to make a change.

The greatest use I make of wikis right now is as a pro-d tool. I have a Web 2.0 tools wiki at http://small-changes-big-returns.wikispaces.com/ that I use during presentations and will be developing another for a math learning circle I've joined. I expect it will be a great format for people to share lesson plans. Also I have a couple of colleagues who are looking for a way to post student work online. I suggested that a wiki might be the way to go as students will be able to put up their own work (kind of like a bulletin board) and it can be linked to from the school's website. You can find my Wilkes Wiki at http://suehellman.wikidot.com/.

BTW — There is a regular Tuesday night session in Elluminate for Wilkes students to chat about tools, assignments and how our courses are going. To everyone I've met there before, your old link will get you in. If you're new and want to try it out —> http://elluminate.credenda.net/join_meeting.html?meetingId=1222787309625. You'll need a USB headset to talk easily. There is no password if you use this link. Just sign in under whatever name you like to use. Hope to see you there: 6 pm Pacific time. Instructors are always welcome as well.

Hello everyone. My name is Michael Cochrane and I teach middle school English and Humanities at the American International School of Bucharest, in Romania. I started teaching internationally in Japan in 1998, and since then I lived and worked in California, England, and Qatar, before coming to Romania two years ago. From my perusals thus far, this course seems to get to the core of the Instructional Media program, and I am at once overwhelmed and pleased to see the range of material we'll get to play with over the next seven weeks. It's the summer, of course, and so I'm concerned about regular connectivity because I'll be traveling around Europe a little. I guess I can look forward to lonely geeky hours drinking too much coffee in cafes with a wireless connection. But I think it will be worth it. It's nice to see some familiar faces from previous Wilkes courses, and I think we have a great bunch of people with whom to collaborate and steal ideas.

I've used wikispaces before, and so didn't expect the grief I have encountered trying to access this wikidot and keep up with posting and accepting invitations. So I'm relegating myself to the status of 'beginner' until familiarity and events prove otherwise. Like Kate, I had mostly good experiences using wikispaces for the Project-Based Learning course, but I haven't yet been able to use wikis at school because of temporary administrative paranoia. We endured some cyber-bullying in the middle school last academic year, and this put everyone on guard about using the net to support learning in our various disciplines. However, my negotiations went very well, and I think there will be a place for wikis in my teaching practice next year. For now, on this course, I will be primarily watching and learning, but contributing where possible and when I think it might be either relevant or useful. It's great to see so many familiar faces on this course.

Michael - michaelcochrane for the wiki


Hello! My name is Pam Oliveira. My wikispace is pjoliveira.wikidot.com and my username is pamoliveira.

My brief bio - I grew up in Newport RI, went to college at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh and then lived for 4.5 years in sunny San Diego, CA. I currently reside in Dallas, PA (the northeast section - 30 minutes south of Scranton) with my 4 children ages 16, 13, 11, and 9 (boy, girl, girl, boy).

I just finished my second year of teaching 7th grade math at Wyoming Valley West Middle School. This is my 6th class in the Instructional Media program and I feel like I have only just begun to scratch the surface of incorporating technology into my classroom.

In the PBL class I took, we used a wiki to organize our information and it was wonderful. Everything we needed was one one website with the appropriate links to calendars, glogsters, blogs, etc. I would love to get a classroom wiki up and running for the upcoming school year as it would make collaboration on group projects much easier. Students could do it from home on their own time. I tried a group project this past year, but it tied up a lot of class time and I had a few upset parents because of the students their child chose to work with. The internet wold alleviate many of these headaches.

My school started a Wiki for the teachers to post and share information, but it was used very sparsely. I love the idea that was presented in the David Warlick article about the school-wide blog. So often teachers have no idea what their fellow colleagues are doing in their classrooms and often times there are many great things going on that could be enhanced if it were to be a cross curricular endeavor. There was no efficient way to share this information until now - Wikis and blogs.

Wikis are also a useful tool to keep parents in the loop. I have a class website that I maintain with announcements, test dates homework, etc., but Wiki would allow the parents to comment and ask questions on the spot. It would also allow me to upload podcasts, pictures, and have the parents view the Q&A between myself and the students. It would give a more realistic picture of what goes on within the classroom.

Hello Everyone!
My name is Tricia Sauerwine and I live in Whitehall, PA. I am going into my 9th year of teaching 1st grade. I teach at Wescosville Elementary School, in Wescosville, PA. I have a elementary ed degree and a masters degree in ESL.

I am hoping to learn as much as I can about Web 2.0. My district is just in the beginning stages of incorporating/experimenting with various Web 2.0 tools. So I am excited to learn more because I feel that I don't know enough!
I have a little experience using wikis. My school disitrict uses one for sharing information among grade levels. All the schools use the same wiki which I think is a great way to share information with another teacher who is not in the same building as you. I just recently used a wiki to create a group project for the Project-Based Learning class I just took at Wilkes. It worked really well! I really thought it was great the way we could work on a project and be living so far away from each other. It was a great experience. Through this class, I am hoping to get more experience with wikis and possibly use one next school year with my students/parents.
Tricia Sauerwine

Hi Everyone,
I'm Donna Bauer from Blairstown, NJ. This is my second class with Wilkes and I'm learning a lot. I teach sixth grade Social Studies. I decided I was way behind the eight ball when it comes to 21st century tech skills so I thought I better get up to speed quickly before the kids surpass me (which I think they already have)!
I don't have experience with anything other than instant messenger and email - oh - and the online gradebook we use at school. I've been missing out on a lot of good stuff.
In regards to how I would use wikis I believe it would be a great tool in helping the student that is housebound. I could see myself teaching class and posting to the wiki and interacting with that student that can't be in class. I haven't really developed the idea, but we have been asked by our administration to think about how to solve this problem in the event we need to do remote teaching.
Okay - back to reading and learning more about wikis.

Hello new and returning classmates! My name is Cristina McCoach from Phoenixville, PA (but I've lived all over the continental US due to my father's military career). I finished teaching my first year of 9th grade Earth Science in the Spring-Ford Area School District, and have also taught one year of Microbiology to gifted 11th and 12th graders. My college background, however, is in biology.

I've only taken one other course in the Instructional Media program, Project Based Learning. Before signing up for Web 2.0, I had no idea what web 2.0 meant, and had to google it! However, I love technology and was extremely excited to be taking this class (even more so than the last one). I'm really looking forward to using web 2.0 tools in my classes to better communicate with my students and help them learn, too.

My favorite ice cream flavor is… hard to choose only one! My fall back has always been vanilla soft serve, but I love a good mint chocolate chip (it doesn't need to be the green colored kind). I am partial to moose tracks, and slow churned peanut butter with chocolate covered peanut butter candies. I'm an ice cream addict.

I've already used the wiki format to complete a grad class assignment (Project Based Learning). I envision using this in my Earth Science class a place to schedule, coordinate, and collaborate on a class-wide project. I like that you can control who is editing and see what they add or edit. I also love that it's instant publishing, helping create a more authentic learning experience for students. I'm considering using a separate wiki as a website to post assignments and summaries of what happened in class, either weekly or daily.


Hi all!

I teach general music at a Catholic school in Dallas, Texas. I have lived in Texas since graduating from college and consider myself a Texan however I was born and raised in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. My husband (who hails from Pottstown, PA) and I both graduated from IUP. We have 3 children who will all be in college this fall and 3 dogs who are my constant shadows.

This course, as are all the courses for the Masters degree in Instructional Media, are my gateway to learning more about integrating technology in the classroom. My ultimate goal though is to use what I learn to help other teachers learn how to put technology in their classes.

Favorite ice cream? Hmmm….well I am more of a cookie girl, and ice cream can sit in the freezer for days on end for me…but given a choice it would have to be some form of chocolate with chunks of chocolate within it!

I have done web quests with my classes, used various websites for exploration and recently used Edmodo to do a small PBL with my 6th grade classes. That worked out really well! I was so excited. I plan on doing more of the same this coming year. I am hoping that more web sites will be unblocked at my school and I can use some new things.

I am finally able to edit, yay! I am will keep this brief since it is so late. I am Bartley McMurray and I am a third grade teacher in Maryville, TN. This is my third year teaching. I love using technology in my classroom. I have a Promethean board and lots of other cool toys to go along with it. I have a wonderful wife of nine years. I also have a 4 year old and a 1 year old boy. They are awesome! I have never used a wiki in my class but can see how they could be useful. I think that these would be great projects for research. You could use the wiki as the vessel or as the assessment. I think with the wiki's the possibilities are endless.

Bartley McMurray

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